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6 years ago
Crap. I hope the situation will improve soon...
6 years ago
It's 41C now, tomorrow is forecast 4-5C more.
6 years ago
6 years ago
I'm wondering if it's possible to overdose on melon. I've eaten nearly a whole one today...
Wow... , it's really time for gazpacho, maybe goated with ice cubes
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
Limiting access due to a risk of fire is something I haven't heard of before. Surely there are a lot of places like that around Spain and Europe just now.
6 years ago
Top temp today: 42C (108F for the unit impaired), forecast is for higher tomorrow.
6 years ago
Cheese and rice! What's the humidity like? I've been in Arizona when its that hot, maybe hotter, but the humidity is like negative there so its manageable
6 years ago
We hit 45C today. Undoubtedly the hottest I've ever experienced. Humidity is 45%.
6 years ago
CNN says the fire was probably started by the self combustion of a pile of manure.
6 years ago
That's a threat I hadn't considered.